
how to draw a leprechaun step by step

This drawing lesson will be very interesting and unusual, and in it I will tell y'all how to draw a leprechaun step by pace.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a leprechaun. I think you have ever heard of this graphic symbol. Past following my simple instructions, you tin hands draw a leprechaun even if yous are a beginner creative person without any drawing experience or simply a child.

A leprechaun is a diminutive supernatural being in Irish gaelic folklore, classed by some as a type of solitary fairy. They are usually depicted equally petty bearded men, wearing a coat and hat, who partake in mischief.

Now it's time to prepare your drawing materials and begin the step-by-step drawing of a leprechaun.


  • Pencil
  • Newspaper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed:20 minutes.

How to Draw a Leprechaun

  1. Describe the outline of the caput and body.

    Outline its caput as a large oval and its torso as curved lines. how to draw a leprechaun easy

  2. Describe a leprechaun's hat.

    To do this, yous should describe a cone and function of the oval beneath it. how to draw a leprechaun easy for kids

  3. Add together the buckle and the confront outline.

    Draw a curved line and ii rectangles on the chapeau and a curved line on the caput. how to draw a leprechaun easy step by step

  4. Draw the facial features.

    Draw the eyes, olfactory organ, rima oris, and outline of the leprechaun'due south beard. how to draw a leprechaun for kids easy

  5. Add together the arms and legs.

    Depict them with curved lines. The correct side of the torso is symmetrical to the left. a leprechaun drawing guide

  6. Depict an outline of the jacket.

    To do this, draw straight and curved lines on the leprechaun'due south torso. a leprechaun drawing tutorial

  7. Describe the decorative elements.

    Add together a bow necktie and a belt to the leprechaun's torso. easy way to draw a leprechaun

  8. Erase the auxiliary lines.

    Utilise an eraser to remove unnecessary lines from the drawing. how to draw a leprechaun step by step easy

  9. Color in the drawing.

    Utilise blackness, beige, orange, brown and shades of green. how to draw a leprechaun for kids step by step

The drawing of the leprechaun is done! I'thousand sure you did a great job and at present you' re happy with the result of your work. To come back to this tutorial afterward you tin download the PDF file with a short version of this lesson and some interesting additions.


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